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Epidemic prevention and control emergency plans for convide-19 in 2022

Epidemic prevention and control emergency plans for convide-19 in 2022


The three principles for epidemic prevention and control measures are as follows:

Principle 1: Scientific prevention and control

We stressed the importance of rationality and professionalism in prevention and control, and let professional personnel and knowledge play a bigger role in the process.

The science of epidemic prevention and control is composed of public health science, epidemic science, governance science, psychological science and other sciences. 

To make prevention and control policies scientific, it is necessary to play a multi-scientific role.

 For example, disinfection channels at the community level should not be established, but should focus on the implementation of local community management, and do a good job of "last kilometer" prevention and control. 

Local governments can set up advisory committees on public health decisions as soon as possible to put prevention and control on a solid scientific basis.

Principle 2: Adhere to law-based prevention and control

It stressed that prevention and control should be carried out in accordance with legal rules and spirit, so that there are laws to be followed, laws to be observed, and violations to be punished.

Prevention and control policies must be implemented in accordance with national laws and regulations, such as the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Law on Emergency Response, 

as well as local rules and regulations, so that the whole epidemic prevention and control can operate within the limits of the rule of law. 

The higher government also needs to conduct legal review. 

For some measures that do not conform to the spirit of the national law, the "legal review" should be carried out. 

For example, the owners of highways in some places are not allowed to get off, and the tenants or medical workers in some communities are not allowed to return.

Principle 3: Humanized prevention and control

He stressed that prevention and control should show genuine concern for people's lives and health, and carry out all prevention and control work from the perspective of caring and caring. 

Prevention and control should not only focus on science and the rule of law, but also on emotion and warmth.

In the prevention and control process, we should show humanity's great love and avoid beggar-thy-neighbor practices.


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